
Pure Freedom Inc

Helpful Tips

Charge what you can pay back. Try to only charge what you know you can afford to pay back in full each month. That way, you can avoid interest charges. Stay under 30% of utilization example: If your card limit is 500 use $150 pay it off DO NOT MAX OUT YOUR CARDS!!

Secured Card (Credit Builder Card)

Don’t have any credit cards? If you are looking for a secured credit card look no further, you can start here with a secured card right here https://www.creditbuildercard.com/purefreedominc. Remember to always pay on time and if you can pay before the actual due date that would be even better to avoid less interest fees.

Smart Credit

Know what you owe. Review your credit card transactions on a regular basis. Setting a weekly reminder in your phone could help you stay on top of your spending. Get credit monitoring services & Get your score and more from all 3 bureaus from https://www.smartcredit.com/purefreedom (included with monthly subscription)

Payment History

Set up utility bills on autopay, create and account for free with www.experian.com/boost Experian will look for a minimum 3 months of recurring payments in utilities and points instantly to your credit score and report.

Rent Reporters

If you pay rent or have paid rent before you can now report up to two years of rent of your credit. Increase up to 40 points in 20 days or less! https://prf.hn/click/camref:1101l8yTI

Self Lender

Build Credit while you Save by giving yourself a Loan. Pay on time. Just one late payment can drop your score 50 points or more. https://self.inc/refer/18654199

Credit strong

Build your credit by paying yourself in form of a loan for as little as $15 per month. Pay on time. Just one late payment can drop your score 50 points or more. https://tracking.creditstrong.com/aff_c?offer_id=2&aff_id=2138

We’re here to help.


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